As 2002 draws to a
close, we here at the Childhood Goat Trauma Foundation take a look back at
what we've accomplished this year. Some of the highlights were:
- March said good-bye to
one of our co-founders and longtime compatriots, who departed for Europe,
where he will, among other things, research the state of Goat Trauma.
- April had the CGTF at
the Future Farmers of America (FFA) conference in Des Moines, IA protesting
the breeding and training of goats for attack purposes.
- June saw our third
annual Goat Trauma Awareness Tour.
- September held our 20th
Anniversary celebration. Its hard to believe that we've been helping the
goat-traumatized for two decades, but it seems we have.
- October moved the CGTF
to new offices, having once again outgrown our home.
- November sent our Investigative
Team south in search of fact behind the rumors we'd heard of brightly colored
goats and matching goat icons. Findings are still being analyzed. Watch for
their report early in 2003.
We have many plans for 2003 and look
forward to the coming year. Watch for the Childhood Goat Trauma Forum coming